Earth's Art: Crystals and Fossils

Quartz Meaning & Properties

Quartz Meaning & Properties

Vidal Dias

Properties of Citrine Mineral Group Tectosilicates Cleavage Indistict  Chemical Composition  SiO2 Fracture  Conchoidal Luster Glassy, vitreous Diaphaneity Translucent to nearly opaque Color Colorless, purple, rose, red, black, yellow, brown, green,...

Quartz Meaning & Properties

Vidal Dias

Properties of Citrine Mineral Group Tectosilicates Cleavage Indistict  Chemical Composition  SiO2 Fracture  Conchoidal Luster Glassy, vitreous Diaphaneity Translucent to nearly opaque Color Colorless, purple, rose, red, black, yellow, brown, green,...

Desert Rose Gypsum Meaning & Properties

Desert Rose Gypsum Meaning & Properties

Vidal Dias

Properties of Desert Rose Gypsum Mineral Group Sulfate Cleavage The “petals” are crystals formed along the mineral's cleavage planes. Chemical Composition  CaSO4 · 2H2O Fracture  Hydraulic Luster Pearly Diaphaneity Opaque Color...

Desert Rose Gypsum Meaning & Properties

Vidal Dias

Properties of Desert Rose Gypsum Mineral Group Sulfate Cleavage The “petals” are crystals formed along the mineral's cleavage planes. Chemical Composition  CaSO4 · 2H2O Fracture  Hydraulic Luster Pearly Diaphaneity Opaque Color...

Calcite Meaning & Properties

Calcite Meaning & Properties

Vidal Dias

Properties of Calcite Mineral Group Carbonates Cleavage Perfect, rhombohedral, three directions Chemical Composition  CaCO3 Fracture  Conchoidal Luster Vitreous Diaphaneity Transparent to translucent Color Usually white but also colorless, gray, red,...

Calcite Meaning & Properties

Vidal Dias

Properties of Calcite Mineral Group Carbonates Cleavage Perfect, rhombohedral, three directions Chemical Composition  CaCO3 Fracture  Conchoidal Luster Vitreous Diaphaneity Transparent to translucent Color Usually white but also colorless, gray, red,...

Fluorite Meaning & Properties

Fluorite Meaning & Properties

Vidal Dias

Properties of Fluorite Mineral Group Halide Cleavage Perfect - four directions Chemical Composition  CaF2 Fracture  Splintery, Sub-Conchoidal Luster Vitreous Diaphaneity Transparent to translucent Color Typically purple, green, and yellow. Also...

Fluorite Meaning & Properties

Vidal Dias

Properties of Fluorite Mineral Group Halide Cleavage Perfect - four directions Chemical Composition  CaF2 Fracture  Splintery, Sub-Conchoidal Luster Vitreous Diaphaneity Transparent to translucent Color Typically purple, green, and yellow. Also...

Sodalite Meaning & Properties

Sodalite Meaning & Properties

Vidal Dias

Sodalite Meaning + Properties Sodalite is a rare mineral, identified for its stunning range of blue to blue-violet hues. It is a member of the feldspathoid mineral group. Sodalite is one...

Sodalite Meaning & Properties

Vidal Dias

Sodalite Meaning + Properties Sodalite is a rare mineral, identified for its stunning range of blue to blue-violet hues. It is a member of the feldspathoid mineral group. Sodalite is one...

Kunzite Meaning and Properties

Kunzite Meaning and Properties

Vidal Dias

Properties of Spodumene Mineral Group Pyroxene Cleavage Perfect Chemical Composition  LiAlSi2O6 Fracture  Irregular/Uneven, Sub-Conchoidal Luster Vitreous, Dull Diaphaneity Transparent to translucent Color  lilac, pink, white Streak White, colorless Mohs Hardness...

Kunzite Meaning and Properties

Vidal Dias

Properties of Spodumene Mineral Group Pyroxene Cleavage Perfect Chemical Composition  LiAlSi2O6 Fracture  Irregular/Uneven, Sub-Conchoidal Luster Vitreous, Dull Diaphaneity Transparent to translucent Color  lilac, pink, white Streak White, colorless Mohs Hardness...