Earth's Art: Crystals and Fossils

Properties of Labradorite

Properties of Labradorite

Vidal Dias

  Properties of Labradorite Mineral Group Tectosilicate - Plagioclase Feldspar Cleavage Perfect cleavage that goes in two directions Chemical Composition  (Ca,Na)[Al(Al,Si)Si2O8] see phase diagram below  Fracture  Uneven/conchoidal Luster Vitreous, pearly Diaphaneity...

Properties of Labradorite

Vidal Dias

  Properties of Labradorite Mineral Group Tectosilicate - Plagioclase Feldspar Cleavage Perfect cleavage that goes in two directions Chemical Composition  (Ca,Na)[Al(Al,Si)Si2O8] see phase diagram below  Fracture  Uneven/conchoidal Luster Vitreous, pearly Diaphaneity...

Malachite Properties

Vidal Dias

Properties of Malachite Mineral Group Hydrated carbonate Cleavage Perfect Chemical Composition  Cu2(CO3)(OH)2 Fracture  Sub-Conchoidal - uneven Luster Rarely vitreous to adamantine. Fibrous specimens - silky. Massive specimens - dull to...

Malachite Properties

Vidal Dias

Properties of Malachite Mineral Group Hydrated carbonate Cleavage Perfect Chemical Composition  Cu2(CO3)(OH)2 Fracture  Sub-Conchoidal - uneven Luster Rarely vitreous to adamantine. Fibrous specimens - silky. Massive specimens - dull to...

Pink Sea Fan Coral Meaning & Properties

Pink Sea Fan Coral Meaning & Properties

Vidal Dias

What is Pink Sea Fan Coral?  Pink sea fan coral, also known as Eunicella verrucosa, is a beautiful and important species of coral that can be found in the northeastern...

Pink Sea Fan Coral Meaning & Properties

Vidal Dias

What is Pink Sea Fan Coral?  Pink sea fan coral, also known as Eunicella verrucosa, is a beautiful and important species of coral that can be found in the northeastern...

Blue Coral (Heliopora coerulea)

Blue Coral (Heliopora coerulea)

Vidal Dias

Are you familiar with Blue Coral? Heliopora coerulea is the only species in the family Helioporidae, and the only Octocoral known to produce a massive skeleton. Its aragonite-based skeleton is...

Blue Coral (Heliopora coerulea)

Vidal Dias

Are you familiar with Blue Coral? Heliopora coerulea is the only species in the family Helioporidae, and the only Octocoral known to produce a massive skeleton. Its aragonite-based skeleton is...

Enhancing Your Spiritual Journey with Bismuth: ...

Vidal Dias

Embark on an enthralling journey into the realm of bismuth, a mesmerizing crystalline metal known for its iridescent allure. This post will illuminate how bismuth can be a transformative tool...

Enhancing Your Spiritual Journey with Bismuth: ...

Vidal Dias

Embark on an enthralling journey into the realm of bismuth, a mesmerizing crystalline metal known for its iridescent allure. This post will illuminate how bismuth can be a transformative tool...

Onyx Meaning and Properties

Onyx Meaning and Properties

Vidal Dias

Onyx is a type of microcrystalline quartz. Based on their makeup, microcrystalline quartz can be classified as either fibrous or granular. They have a lot of similarities at the macro...

Onyx Meaning and Properties

Vidal Dias

Onyx is a type of microcrystalline quartz. Based on their makeup, microcrystalline quartz can be classified as either fibrous or granular. They have a lot of similarities at the macro...